Traces from the Fukushima power station have also been found as far away as Britain and the eastern United States. 远到英国和美国东部也都发现了来自福岛核电站的放射性物质踪迹。
Birch of swamps and river bottoms throughout the eastern United States having reddish-brown bark. 遍及美国东部的一种桦树,生长在沼泽和河谷,具红褐色树皮。
Shrubs or small trees having aromatic bark; the eastern United States and eastern Asia. 灌木或小型乔木具有芳香的树皮;产于美国东部和亚洲东部。
Small brown-and_white European moth introduced into eastern United States; pest of various shade and fruit trees. 褐色和白色的欧洲小蛾子,引入美国东部;是各种遮荫树和果树的害虫。
Freshwater catfish of eastern United States. 美国东部的淡水鲶鱼。
Grass of the eastern United States and tropical America having spikelets enclosed in prickly burs. 美国东部和热带美洲的草,刺果里有小穗。
Western and eastern United States? 美国西部和东部?
Freshwater turtles having bright yellow and red markings; common in the eastern United States. 身上有明亮的黄色和红色斑点的淡水龟;常见于美国东部。
Several years ago, a major storm caused serious problems in the eastern United States. 许多年之前,一场大的暴风雪给美国东部造成了严重问题。
Their finds became known in the eastern United States and in Europe. 他们的发现在美国东部和欧洲闻名。
Closely related to southern arrow wood; the eastern United States Maine to Ohio and Georgia. 产自美国东部缅因州至俄亥俄州和乔治亚州。
Low shrub of the eastern United States with downy twigs. 美国东部的矮灌木,带绒毛的嫩枝。
Huckleberry of the eastern United States with pink flowers and sweet blue fruit. 美国东部的越橘类的一种,有粉色的花和甜的蓝果实。
Deciduous shrubs having aromatic bark; eastern China; southwestern and eastern United States. 有芳香树皮的每年落叶的灌木;中国东部;美国西南和东部。
Common forest tree of the eastern United States and Canada; used especially for pulpwood. 美国东部和加拿大一种常见的森林树种;纸浆用树种。
Summer, Eastern United States: Rainfall shortages resulted in worst drought on record. 夏天,美国东部:降雨的不足引起了历史上最严重的旱灾。
A region of the eastern United States comprising New York and New Jersey and Pennsylvania and Delaware and Maryland. 美国东部一地区,由纽约州、宾西法尼亚州、新泽西州、特拉华州和马里兰州组成。
Valued as a game bird in eastern United States and Canada. 美国东部和加拿大珍贵的猎禽。
Of the eastern United States: New Jersey to South Carolina. 产于美国东部;新泽西州至加利福尼亚南部。
Medium-sized tree of the eastern United States having pink blossoms and small yellow fruit. 美国东部一种中型苹果树,粉红色花,小的黄色果实。
Very tall American perennial of central and the eastern United States to Canada having edible tuberous roots. 美国东部和中部到加拿大一带的一种非常高大的美洲种多年生向日葵,其块状根可食。
Shrubby hardy evergreen of China and Japan having lustrous dark green foliage; cultivated in the eastern United states. 中国和日本的一种常绿坚硬的灌木状紫杉,墨绿色叶,有光泽;美国东部有种植。
From the eastern United States, ships sailed south around Cape Horn and north to California. 从美国东部,向南部航行经过合恩角再向北到加州。
Large 3-needled pine of the eastern United States and southeastern Canada; closely related to the pond pine. 美国东部和加拿大东南的一种大型的三针松树;与池松近属。
Densely branching perennial of the eastern United States with white to crimson or purple flowers. 美国东部多枝的多年生植物,有白色至深红色或紫色的花。
Eastern United States hawthorn with long straight thorns. 美国东部的一种具有长而直的刺的山楂。
Showy shrub of salt marshes of the eastern United States having large rose-colored flowers. 美国东部的盐性沼泽地中的艳丽的灌木,有大的玫瑰色的花。
Common large songbird of eastern United States having reddish-brown plumage. 美国东部普通的大型歌鸟,羽毛为红褐色。
Small deciduous clump-forming tree or shrub of eastern United States. 那里是开着花的灌木丛。美国东部的小的每年落叶的丛生的树或灌木。
Genus of shrubs or herbs of tropical Asia and Australia and the eastern United States. 热带亚洲和澳大利亚和美国东部的灌木或草本的属。